Working Hours

6.01 Regular Hours

The College's standard hours of operation will be from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays; 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Fridays; and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Campuses may adjust standard hours based on operational needs at the beginning of each semester. Additionally, Campuses may schedule classes on Sunday based on enrollment and operational needs.

The normal workweek for full-time College employees is 37.5 hours excluding a 30 minute meal break for every 7.5 hours of work.  College administrators and department chairpersons are authorized to establish work schedules and to designate work assignments for employees under their supervision within the standard hours of operation set forth above based on the needs of the College, including adjusting schedules to meet periods of peak demand.

The normal instructional contact hours for credit course faculty members are 15 to 18 per semester unless otherwise modified by the Department Chair/Dean. Additionally, credit course faculty members are expected to designate a minimum of six (6) hours each week for conferences with students. Virtual office hours are permissible for faculty who teach online or hybrid courses, but must be in proportion to the instructor's course load.  These hours should be distributed over different days and should be posted on or near the instructor's office door, in the learning content management system, and distributed in instructional materials on the first day of class in each course. Office hours are to be kept as carefully as class instruction hours. These scheduled office hours will be filed with the Department Chairperson and with the Dean of Instruction at the beginning of each semester.

In addition to teaching assignments and designated office hours, faculty members may be required to serve on various campus and collegewide committees, attend meetings essential to the effective operation of the College, assist in orientation and registration of students, and perform other appropriate assignments. (Revised by the Board of Trustees 11/11/14)

6.02 Overtime

1. Individuals in Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Non-Exempt Salary Plan B Positions

The College will compensate individuals in FLSA Non-Exempt Salary Plan B positions as follows:

  1. Overtime is time worked in excess of 37.5 hours within a workweek. For purposes of computing overtime, a workweek is defined as a period of seven consecutive calendar days, commencing at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday
  2. For employees working a standard 37.5 hour workweek, overtime must be computed on the basis of each workweek standing alone.  Hours cannot be averaged over two or more workweeks.
  3. Employees working flexible workplace arrangements shall be paid for overtime service in accordance with that schedule and not the standard schedule of 37.5 hours per week.  Overtime shall be calculated on hours exceeding 75 hours per pay cycle.
  4. Except as otherwise provided herein, hours worked includes all paid leave plus hours actually worked by the employee.
  5. All overtime must be authorized in advance, in writing by the immediate supervisor.
  6. To establish a salaried employee's regular hourly rate, divide the annual rate by the work schedule hours in the fiscal year.
  7. An employee who has accumulated compensatory time may request to take such time off.  Such a request will be granted within a reasonable amount of time as long as it does not unduly disrupt operations.  Conversely, the College may request that an employee take compensatory time off within a reasonable period of time. All compensatory time must be used within 360 calendar days or it shall be forfeited. (Amended by the Board of Trustees 6/17/19)
  8. Those employees who work overtime shall be compensated either with pay or, at the discretion of the College, compensatory time off.  Whenever an employee's accumulated overtime exceeds 240 hours, such excess shall be compensated with pay.
  9. Compensation for all overtime will be at a time-and-one-half rate, unless the employee requested part-time work in another than his/her regular position classification and the part-time work was occasional or sporadic.  In this case, the employee would receive the temporary, part-time hourly rate stated in Salary Plan C for the classification pay grade in which the part-time work was performed. 
  10. Time-and-one-half overtime payment is calculated by using the employee's regular hourly rate in all cases except the following:  (1)  employees regularly employed in more than one position classification, or (2) those employed at the request of the College in more than one position classification and one of the positions is occasional or sporadic.  In such cases, the overtime pay will be the greater of (1) the second position's temporary, part-time hourly rate or (2) one-and-one-half times the weighted average of the hourly rate of pay for both positions.  Rates of pay for part-time positions shall be the hourly rate stated in Salary Plan C for the classification pay grade in which the part-time work is performed.
  11. All time worked and all time off are to be accurately reported on a time sheet for the regular position, and submitted to the employee's supervisor on a bi-weekly basis.

2. Individuals in FLSA Exempt Salary Plan B Positions

The College will compensate individuals in FLSA Exempt, non-administrative Salary Plan B positions as follows:

  1. In circumstances where Salary Plan B employees working in FLSA Exempt, non-administrative positions are required and authorized to work beyond the standard work week in their regular position, such employees shall be compensated either with pay or, at the discretion of the College, compensatory time off for such overtime service at straight time rates. Whenever an employee's accumulated compensatory time exceeds 75 hours, such excess shall be compensated with pay.
  2. All overtime requested and all overtime actually worked are to be accurately reported on an Overtime Request Form.
  3. Pay for part-time work performed by individuals in positions other than their regular positions will be the temporary, part-time hourly rate stated in Salary Plan C for the pay grade classification pay grade in which the part-time work is performed.
  4. Statements a-g in 1. above also apply to individuals in FLSA Exempt Salary Plan B positions.

3. Individuals in Salary Plan A , Salary Plan D Positions, and Administrative Level Positions in Salary Plan B

Salary Plan A, Salary Plan D and Administrative Level Positions in Salary Plan B positions are exempt from FLSA overtime provisions. (See "Salary Plan B Table," as maintained by the Office of the President, for the most current listing of Salary Plan B exempt and non-exempt positions).

4. Call Back/Call In

  1. Individuals in Salary Plan B positions that are eligible for overtime compensation who are required to physically return to the worksite after their normal work hours due to a natural disaster, severe weather situation, or other non-recurring emergency circumstance shall receive overtime compensation for actual hours worked or a minimum of four (4) hours straight time, whichever is greater. When calculating actual hours worked, travel time to and from the worksite shall be included in calculating the actual hours for payment but is not considered college work time because the employee has not commenced his/her principal activity.
  2. Individuals in Salary Plan B positions that are eligible for overtime compensation who are required to perform work from home after their normal work hours due to a natural disaster, severe weather situation, or other non-recurring emergency circumstance shall receive overtime compensation for actual hours worked or one (1) hour of straight time, whichever is greater.
  3. No employee shall receive overtime compensation under this section unless the employee's activities were authorized in advance by the employee's immediate supervisor or someone in the employee's chain of command with greater administrative responsibility. (Added June 6, 2006)

(Amended by the Board of Trustees 11/11/14)

6.03 Holidays

Regular, full-time employees have the following paid holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • June 19, also known as Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • General Election Day
  • Return Day (after 12:00 noon for employees living or working in Sussex County)
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day
  • Two Floating Holidays
  • Any additional holidays so proclaimed by executive decree (Presidential and/or Gubernatorial) and approved by the President of the College

Legal holidays occasionally fall on days that the College instructional program is in session. When campus personnel are required to work on such days, they may take off another day in lieu thereof when the instructional program is not operating. To qualify for pay for a holiday, the employee shall be required to be in paid status, for a full day, on their last scheduled work day prior to the holiday and on their next scheduled work day after the holiday.

Guidelines for Floating Holidays, if not required by the President to be used on specific days when College facilities are closed:

  • Floating holidays are to be used in whole day increments of 7.5 hours.
  • Unused floating holidays will not carry forward from one calendar year to the next.
  • Floating holidays used to supplement short-term disability or worker's compensation will apply in whole day increments with no residual.
  • Floating holidays are paid at straight time.

Employees hired on or after January 1 shall receive the following number of floating holidays based on their hire date:

Hire Dates: Number of Floating Holidays employee will be entitled to for the remainder of the calendar year*
January 1 - April 30 2 floating holidays for the remainder of the calendar year
May 1 - August 31 1 floating holiday for the remainder of the calendar year
September 1 - December 31 0 floating holidays
  *Employees shall automatically be entitled to two floating holidays on January 1 following their hire date

Employees will be paid for unused floating holidays when they separate from employment according to the following schedule: 

Termination Dates Number of Floating Holidays to be Paid
January 1 - April 30 0
May 1 - August 31 1
September 1 - December 31 2

For reasons such as energy savings, the President may specify days on which College facilities will be closed. The President may require that various holidays, including floating holidays, be taken on such days.  Regular, part-time employees who are active in the state payroll system on the day before the College closes pursuant to this paragraph will be paid their normal wages for a period of one week while the College is closed based upon their standard work schedule. (Amended Board of Trustees 4/17/2000; 4/12/2005;  9/15/09; 9/14/10 and 10/13/15.)

6.04 Severe Weather And Emergency Conditions

In the event of severe weather conditions or other natural or man-made emergencies, decisions regarding campus closings or delays will be made on a county-by-county basis by the respective vice president and campus director. If a severe weather condition or other natural or man-made emergency develops during working hours, vice presidents and campus directors may allow their non-essential employees to leave work early. No loss of pay or utilization of accumulated leave or compensatory time will occur in the event of a closure, delay or early dismissal for this reason.

Employees who live out of state, where a state of emergency has been declared in their home state, city or local municipality, are expected to report to work as scheduled. However, employees may use annual or compensatory leave upon notification to supervision.

Obligation of Employees

If a severe weather condition or other natural or man-made emergency forces any employee to be late for work, the employee must contact their supervisor, inform the supervisor of the impending lateness, and state the expected time of arrival for work. A reasonable delay in arriving at work due to poor travel conditions will not be a basis for charging annual leave or compensatory time.

Essential Employees

An essential employee is defined as one who reports to work onsite at a campus for work that is essential to the emergency service function of the campus and is required to assist the campus in meeting its emergency operational needs. Any employee can be requested to report to work when there is a compelling and justifiable operational reason.

Vice presidents, or their respective designee, shall designate employees as essential depending upon their necessity in carrying out the emergency service responsibilities at the campus location. Depending on the type of emergency, the vice president or their designee may designate essential employees depending on the nature of the emergency. This designation will be communicated as soon as operationally feasible.

If an essential employee is required to report to work onsite, but is specifically prevented by the police and/or other emergency personnel from traveling to their work site due to a severe weather condition or other natural or man-made emergency, and after notifying such emergency personnel of his/her essential status, the employee shall immediately notify his/her supervisor of the obstruction. If a State of Emergency is declared by the Governor or other authority, preventing roadway travel, the employee shall be excused and not charged for the absence.

An essential employee who is required to work onsite, but who does not report to the campus location shall immediately notify their supervisor and shall not be paid for the absence. Alternatively, an employee in this category may request to use annual leave or accumulated compensatory time; however, the employee cannot assume that it will be granted and may be subject to disciplinary action if approval is not received by the supervisor. Before approving pay for after-the-fact sick leave during a declared emergency, the vice president may require either a physician's certificate and/or a written statement by the employee setting forth the reason for the absence. All determinations as to whether leave will be approved or whether there will be docking and/or disciplinary action will be made on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the totality of circumstances preventing the employee from reporting to work.

Essential employees who are required to work onsite are entitled to their regular hourly rate for all hours worked during their scheduled workday. Such employees who work additional hours beyond their scheduled workday shall be compensated for these hours in accordance with the overtime policy.

Non–Essential Employees

A non-essential employee is one who is identified as providing work that is not essential to maintaining onsite College operations and is, therefore, not required to report to their work site under emergency conditions, as determined by the respective vice president.

Employees who are not required to report to work onsite during emergency conditions but have the ability to work remotely are expected to perform their regularly assigned duties, even if their work site is closed due to emergency conditions.

Employees for whom remote work is not available due to their specific job duties, but are not designated as essential, should not report to their work site and will be paid for the hours they were scheduled to work during the time of the emergency. (Revised October 20, 2022)

6.05 Dual Employment Of Elected Or Paid Appointed Officials

Any person employed by the College who also serves in an elected or paid appointed position in state or local government shall have his or her pay reduced on a prorated basis for any hours or days missed during the course of the employee's normal workday or during the course of the employee's normal workweek while serving in an elected or paid appointed position which requires the employee to miss any time which is normally required of other employees in the same or similar positions.

The employee shall have his or her immediate supervisor verify a time record stating specifically the number of hours worked on any day on which an employee misses work due to his or her elected or paid appointed position. The employee shall submit the time record to his or her immediate supervisor for verification at least once every pay period. Such reporting may be done on a form provided by the Campus Human Resources Office. All time records, so verified, shall be kept by the immediate supervisor until such time as they are required by the State Auditor. An employee may elect to use vacation, personal, or compensatory days to which he or she is entitled for any hours or days missed during the course of the employee's normal workday. The employee shall designate whether vacation, personal or compensatory leave is being used on the time record given to their supervisor.

No employee shall be permitted to make up time during hours other than the normal workday for purposes of compensation. Nothing herein shall limit a Campus Director's authority to approve an adjusted work schedule for an employee who serves in an elected or paid appointed position, in which case the employee's normal workday shall be as determined by the adjusted schedule. (Added by Board of Trustees, 4/3/07)

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